

Fitness - Imoove
Imoove is a unique unstable ellipsoidal platform for dynamic neuromuscular stabilization with a feedback. The elliptical and at the same time asymmetric movement of the platform is controlled by the computer and allows the movement of the muscle chains and joints in the whole body. Targeting a particular muscle chain allows the parallel, symmetrical or asymmetrical position of the feet of an exercising person. The device helps optimize natural spiral movements of the body and coordinate movement, improves body posture and overall physical fitness, and strengthens the so-called deep stabilizing muscles of the spine. Exercise is suitable for all age groups, speed and range of the platform movement can be individually adjusted.

Price list

IMOOVE (30 minutes)  
Single entry 300 Kč
5 entry 1 200 Kč
10 entry 2 100 Kč


The treadmill helps to exercise and shape the lower part of the body. Running as such has an effect on the whole body, helps increase lung capacity, affects the cardiovascular system, fills with blood and strengthens muscles. The treadmill has smooth electronic speed settings and incline settings, and is equipped with a special patented running surface cushioning technology for the spa environment that saves joints and dampens impacts even during more intense training.


Elliptical Trainer KETTLER CROSS P

A cross trainer is a complex conditional device in which the upper and lower extremities are dominantly engaged. It is equipped with the magnetic braking system and electronic pulse measurement. Thanks to the elliptical movement of the stepping surfaces, the trainer provides a comprehensive and very effective strengthening of the cardiac circulation and all muscle groups without increased joint loads, so it is also suitable for people with joint problems or for the elderly. Exercise on the elliptical trainer combined with a pulse program is also an excellent tool for burning fat and building muscles.

Price list

Treadmill + Elliptical Trainer (60 minutes or 30 + 30 minutes)  
Single entry 100 Kč
5 entry 400 Kč
10 entry 700 Kč


The essence of the procedure is to walk on the treadmill in a special vacuum cabin during which there is an increased burning of so-called depot fats. Depot fat is stored more extensively on the belly, hips, buttocks and thighs, but it is difficult to remove it because these are the areas with the worst blood supply. The vacuum in VacuShape ensures their maximum blood supply and movement in the form of walking ensures their better burning. At the same time, the lymphatic system is activated, which ensures better removal of metabolic products, helps to reduce cellulite and cleanse the body.

Price list

VACUSHAPE (30 minutes)  
Single entry 180 Kč
5 entry 880 Kč
10 entry 1 540 Kč

Opening hours


8.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.
3.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.




Coach available. 
Reservation is required (in person or by phone +420 384 754 442). 


Fitness - Treadmill KETTLER TRACK 5The treadmill helps to exercise and shape the lower part of the body. Running as such has an effect on the whole body, helps increase lung capacity, affects the cardiovascular system, fills with blood and strengthens muscles. The treadmill has smooth electronic speed settings and incline settings, and is equipped with a special patented running surface cushioning technology for the spa environment that saves joints and dampens impacts even during more intense training.


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