Valid from 1. 1. 2020

Medical Examination Methods (provided separately)

Medical Check-up 500


Therapeutic passes (as part of Programs)

Vital (Therapeutic Program) 800
Spa (Therapeutic Program) 1200

Programs incl. medical check-up, therapeutic passes and spa procedures with the number and structure agreed upon due to the medical examination. Passes incl. services (doctor and nurce), medications and medical examinations, this means that no other medical examinations are charged for. The price includes free entry to pool complex, sauna and fitness.


Baths and Packs
Peat Bath 37° C (incl. preparation, shower and dry pack) 30 650
Peat Bath¹ (incl. preparation, shower and dry pack) 30 650
Peat Pack¹ (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 650
Peloidokinesiotherapy¹ (incl. preparation and dry pack) 20 350
Pearl Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 270
Pearl Bath with Herbs ((incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 380
Herb Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 330
Carbon-dioxide Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack)  30 330 
Iodine Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 400
Solfatan Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 400 
Herb Bath with cannabis (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 440 
Magnesium Salt Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 400
Bath with iodobromine Salt (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 400
Dead Sea Salt Bath (incl. preparation and dry pack) 30 400
Beer Bath "Regent" (iincl. preparation and dry pack + beer 0,33l Regent) 30 400
Whirl Bath partial² (upper/lowr limbs) 10 180
Whole Whirl Bath² 15 330
Hip Bath² - lower limbs 15 300
Swimming Pool 60 100


Partial Body Massage 15 330
Whole Body Massage 50 850
Underwater Massage 15 440
Mechanical Massage - Hydrojet 15 300
Mechanical Massage - Dry Jet 15 300
Manual Lymph Drainage ¹ ² (upper/lower limbs)
60 1600


Motion Therapy

Physiotherapy¹ ²

30 800
Kineziotaping (+ 1cm=1Kč - laut tatsächlichen Verbrauch) 15 400
Group Remedial Exercises² 30 70
Group Remedial Exercises - SM System 45 150
Group Remedial Exercises with Ball² 30 70
Group Remedial Exercises - Bechterew´s Disease² 60 120
Group Remedial Exercises in pool² 20 200
SM system ¹ ² 60 350
Nordic Walking² 45


Nordic Walking - rental of sticks 1 day 50
Nordic Walking - refundable deposit for rental of sticks   1000
Fitness 90 100
Fitness with physiotherapist (max. 2 person) 30 250 
Joga + Pelvic Floor Excercises ² 60 150
Joga (Monday) 60 100


Physical Therapy
Electrotherapy¹ ² - VAS-07, Interference Current, Stimulation Current, Galvanic Bath, Short Waves Diathermy    180
Vacuum-compressions Therapy ¹ ² (Extremiter 2010)   250
Magnet-therapy - low induction ¹ ²   200
Magnet-therapy - hight induction¹ ²   220
Ultrasound¹ ²   180
Light-therapy - Biolamp¹ ²   180
Light-therapy - Laser¹ ²   220
Light-therapy - 7W Laser¹ ²   320
Paraffin Pack ¹ ²   230
Lymphatic drainage - Pneuven¹ ² 50 600


Special Therapy
Inhalation² 15 150
Oxygenotherapy 45 300
Gas Inejctions ¹ ²   100
Dry carbonic Bath - Gas envelope 15 300



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